Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Highlights of Houston

It is unreal to me how quickly these past three weeks have flown by. Work has seemed to consume our thoughts and actions.These past three weeks have been challenging. There have been so many changes in the restaurant. Most of the change has been for the good, and pushing the store to become more efficient and more service driven. As we all know, with change there are always obstacles. Everyday I am in awe of the grace that seems to radiate from Justin as he coaches and teaches his team. I am so proud of the way he handles situations and the influence that he has on those around him.

We kicked off the month of August with Justin's birthday. With no surprise, he wanted to spend his birthday at Top Golf. It was a fun way to spend the evening celebrating him. He even took first place in scores twice!

Mom and I took a quick trip up to Fort Worth to help host a wedding shower for one of our long time family friends. It was nice getting to visit and reminisce about the past together. It is crazy that we met in dance class at two, and our families are still friends twenty-six years later! The shower was beautiful, and it was great to get to shower Anastasia with gifts for her wedding.

 On the way home from Fort Worth, we made a quick little detour to Waco to visit Whitney. We drove down and Mrs. Kathy and Mrs. Gina drove up. Since we had all already been to Magnolia Market before, we skipped the giant shopping line and headed straight for the new bakery that just opened this summer. After we grabbed our cupcakes Whitney picked us up and we headed to a local spot for lunch. Later, we went to see Whitney's adorable house, one of the Gaine's neighborhood homes, and enjoyed our cupcakes! If you get a cupcake you must try the "Cup O' Jo." It was seriously delicious. I am pretty sure that it was all of our favorite cupcake. It was a really moist chocolate cupcake with creamy coffee icing! Yummy!

On Wednesday, my friend Erin came down to visit. We were going to go to her brother's new house in the Heights to lay out and swim. But as things have it, things never work out for her and I the way we plan. We are never even taken by surprise when something extremely weird or random happens to us when we are together anymore. This started with us a couple years ago, when I think we first really bonded. The store that we were working at was robbed and somehow we were the only two people there and the mall security was no where to be found. So, she and I had to find a way to stay safe and retrieve the product from the three thieves on our own. After that our friendship has been a series of much less dramatic activities, but nevertheless just as strange occurrences. On this particular day way were walking up to my hotel room door so that we could walk my dogs really quickly before we left to go to the pool, when suddenly, I heard my name being called from down the hall. A worker from the hotel that knew Justin and I had been waiting for a particular room to become available, was eager to tell us that the room was ready for us to move into. I was extremely excited to hear the news and knew that Justin would be too. I confirmed that we could move into the new room that night after Justin got home from work. The hotel told me that would be fine. Erin and I proceeded to walk the dogs. While we were out, I received a phone call from the front desk letting me know that they had just rented out my current room and that the new guests would be arriving within the hour to check into the hotel. They told me they would send someone to help me move my stuff. Erin and I walked back up stairs where we were met by four maids and the groundskeeper of the hotel. They were all waiting outside my door to come in and begin to move my things to the new room. At this point, Erin and I just looked at each other and realized that the pool is no longer in our future. After a whirlwind of a moving experience, we decided that we still wanted to do something fun. We decided that we would just go for a walk at Memorial Park. When we arrived we saw several people wearing matching t-shirts. The guy just glances as at us and keeps on walking. (Incorrectly sizing us up!) As we entered the walking trails we were greeted by two girls in the matching blue shirts that asked us to play with them on their kickball team. Erin and I just looked at each other, as if thinking, "There is no way we are going to play with them." The girls started to plead with us about how they will have to forfeit and that their friends will be there in just a few minutes. So we reluctantly agreed to play. We ended up having a great time and playing the majority of the game with them. Erin scored a run and I caught a fly ball for an out for the other team. Even though nothing ever goes as planned when we are together,  Erin is still one of my favorite friends to hangout with. There is never a dull moment with us and always an abundance of laughter.

After a month and a half pre-planning, with the sole purpose to match up our schedules,we finally got to spend the evening grilling out and playing cards with Clay and Kate. Our visit was so worth the wait. And we got to love on their little nugget. Crawford is seriously the best baby I think that I have ever been around in my life. I hope one day when we have a kid it will be as happy and as easy going as he is.

Justin and I have been wanting to take the time to explore around the city. I have found so many cool blogs that highlight different activities, murals, and restaurants around the city. We finally set a Sunday aside and made the time to do some great Houston activities. We started our day by posing near some adorable murals. The Biscuit Wall Painting is definitely a hot spot. There were three other large groups all waiting to get there chance to snap a photo with the bright splashes of paint dripping down the wall of the building.

From there, we hopped back in the car to take a  picture with the Dancing Wall. This one was a little challenging for the GPS. Though it said, "You have arrived. Your destination is on the right," we had not actually arrived. The mural is located on what seems to be an old storage building for a new and hip looking restaurant. We expected the mural to be on the side of the restaurant, but if you peered out to the left and at the very back of the parking lot, there you would find the mural.

After leaving, we headed to Buffalo Bayou Park. We have been missing our weekly bike rides, and thought what better way to spend our afternoon than by cruising around our city. Bike Barn has a rental space at the entrance of the park where we were able to rent cruiser bikes. The park is 160 acres and offers an amazing biking trail. Along the the trail, there is beautiful scenery, bridges, places to stop and reflect, playgrounds, and sculptures. As usual, we had something comical happen, and somehow, I happened to be the punch line of this joke. Justin pointed at this huge splash in the bayou and says, "Hannah, look at that giant fish!" We pulled our bikes over to the side of the path where about a foot high concrete slab is a barrier to a four foot drop off. As I pull to the side to look down into the bayou, I decide that I will balance myself on my bike by placing my foot onto the slab. Before I know it my foot misses the slab, And I start to tumble over the edge. Luckily the bike falls on my legs and pins me into an awkward position where I am unable to actually fall over the edge. I pick myself and am so embarrassed that I just did that. "At least no one saw me," I thought to myself. Just about the time that thought crossed my mind, I look up to see two men across the way gawking at how ridiculous I look. At that point, I just had to commit to looking nuts, so I just smiled and waved. How is it that I can ride my bike 150 miles every year with out a fall, but taking a leisurely ride around a park can be such a challenge?

We finished our ride just in time to avoid the torrential downpour that soon followed. Justin found a super cool burger place, Graffiti's just about a mile away from the park. The atmosphere alone is worth trying this place. The baked mac'n cheese appetizer was delicious! We also tried two of the most popular burgers, which were huge. We both only ate half. So if you go there, you may want to consider sharing your burger. We finished our meal, by sharing some old fashioned banana pudding served in a mason jar. You even have the option of taking the mason jar with you if you fancy. 

Monday, we had a much overdue day with our nieces and nephew. My sister in love, Jamie and I, went with the kids to the Children's Museum of Houston during the day. I couldn't believe how well so many of the activities aligned with the curriculum that they learn at school. I am not exactly sure what I thought the CM of H would be like, but I didn't really expect for it to be so science and math driven. After the museum, we went to Amy's ice cream for a delicious and not so healthy treats. Then we took the kids back to the hotel for swimming and hot dogs. Justin even made it home in time to get to swim and have dinner with all of us.   

We also had a visitor from a very special and influential person in Justin's life, Dave Pollard. Dave is the first Chick-fil-A operator that Justin worked for. He worked for Dave at a mall restaurant in Joplin, MO. At that time, Justin was going to college to be a youth minister. Dave saw something in Justin that made him think Justin had what it takes to be an operator. Well, seven years later, here is Dave, visiting Justin on his journey to be an operator! It was so great to see Dave. Justin had so much fun going to dinner with Dave, catching up, and talking business. 

We will continue to be in Houston for the month of September, but those are our highlights of Houston for now!

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